We place a huge emphasis on safety and personal responsibility with our drivers and our office personnel. If you are freight forwarder you likely have a contract with language that says you will be indemnified for anything bad that might occur, from cargo loss to injury of 3rd parties. I would tell you that this is not sufficient in today's litigious world. A recent case ruling Sperl v. CH Robinson/Tyson Food Logistics held the Freight Forwarder responsible for millions of dollars while in our opinion CH Robinson did nothing to contribute or cause the fatalities. While bad things can happen, you want to make sure the carrier you choose has a robust culture of safety and a proven track record. For our 130 drivers we have six safety people who work full time making certain we do everything in our power to keep the loads, the drivers and the public as safe as possible. Our safety is done by credible personnel who are continually educated by DOT experts in a classroom setting. They become masters of understanding the nature of safety and utilize this information to create a robust safety program that encourages safety above all else, and discourages unsafe behavior. We do this through a process of constant education of the dispatchers and the drivers. Regular safety meetings occur and no one gets behind the wheel of a truck without several days of safety training. When you book a load with JAS Trucking you can be sure we will do it legally and in the safest manner possible. We don't cut corners and we actually have multiple full time safety people on staff. Consider when you choose an agency with multiple agents to move your load instead of a legitimate trucking company. Do they have any full time safety personnel on site to teach the drivers? Or is it a safety meeting from time to time and a single entity person whose biggest interest is only in making a buck? How can you trust an agency name that allows anyone who can hire drivers to open a company whether they understand the Federal Safety Rules or not? How can someone employ 30 drivers and not have any safety personnel on site to oversee the most important aspect of trucking? Is their safety being administered with anything other than a boring movie to prove they have a process in place? Do you regularly check the outgate and ingate J1 of your loads to make certain the carrier is following federal hours of service rules? If they can move the freight at the cheapest possible price there is a better than average chance they are breaking the rules and ignoring this is only going to hurt you in the long run. Better to place your trust in a company that has been around 20 plus years and spends a great deal of revenue on nothing more than safety. We are one of the strictest companies for who we hire, how often we inspect the vehicles and our expectations for safe operations. Our hazmat training is also done in house to make certain our drivers and dispatchers actually understand the regulations and do it effectively. I think it would surprise you if you asked any other carriers what sort of hazmat training they do. I believe you will find out they watch a little movie and nothing else is done. Do they have a handbook? Can you call and speak to a member of the safety staff? These are questions that would be good to know the answer to. Who are you trusting with your loads and your reputation?

Once you use JAS Trucking and experience exactly what we offer it will be difficult to ever use another carrier again. We don't want to just be a good carrier for you who's on time. We want to be a partner for you who knows how important servicing the account is so that you get more business from your customer. We want to communicate as much or as little as you want us to. Our staff is 24/7 watching every movement of a shipment from start to finish. When a difficult problem arises we have the knowledge to problem solve and help you handle difficult problems. Got a problem that needs addressing but we aren't the carrier on the load? As your partner we are here to help advise you on the best possible solutions even when we aren't the carrier hauling the load. For over 20 years JAS Trucking has been handling some of the most difficult accounts because shippers know if we can't get it done, no one can. We have a full service truck repair facility, a 24/7 diesel gas station using only the best for our trucks, a safety program that demands only the best drivers and trucks ever touch your freight, and our ability to recover last minute loads to help out is unmatched in the industry. We don't just want to succeed so we look good. We want to succeed so you look good to your customer. Being on time is not enough in today's ever-changing Intermodal World.

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